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New Hope Christian Church Ministries

Youth Ministry

New Hope Christian Church’s mission is summed up in one simple equation.

God + Education = Success

When God is first, All Things Become Possible!
Add in education, and there is no telling what our young people can achieve!
From our Sunday school program to our children’s church; New Hope prioritizes having our young people find their identity in God, rewarding and celebrating academic and athletic successes, and guiding their growth into adulthood. It is the prayer and mission of this ministry that all our young people learn who God is in them, through them, and upon them, and how to tap into their potential with schooling and athletics, becoming well rounded adults. After all,…


Children's Church & Sunday School

Black History Month

Hallelujah Night

While the world may celebrate Halloween, here at New Hope we celebrate Hallelujah Night.  

A time for children to come together, play games, dress up, get TONS of CANDY and be SAFE, all while learning the importance of giving God praise. There’s no tricks here, just treats.